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National Awards:

12/2014             2014 National NCWIT Winner

7/2014               Davidson Fellows Honorable Mention Award

6/2014               House App Congressional Award for the Codester App

6/2014               National Student of the Week-

5/2014               4th Place Intel ISEF Grand Award and Special Awards

5/2014               Congressional Gold Medal Award

3/2014               2nd Place Undergraduate Student Research Competition

                          at SIGCSE Conference

1/2014               2013 National NCWIT Runner Up Winner

1/2014               2013 NCWIT Upstate New York State Winner

5/2013               National Institute on Drug Abuse Special Award


Computer Science Competitions:

4/2014               2nd Place - 2014 Siena High School Programming Contest

2/2014               1st Place - 2014 Siena College Undergraduate

                          Programming Contest

10/2013             4th Place - 2013 Eastern Preliminary of ACM

                          Northeast Undergraduate Programming Contest

3/2013               3rd Place - 2013 Siena College Undergraduate

                          Programming Contest

2013                  United States of America Computing Olympiad (USACO)


10/2012             6th Place - 2012 Eastern Preliminary of ACM Northeast

                          Undergraduate Programming Contest

4/2012               2012 Siena College’s 25th Annual High School

                          Programming Contest


Math Honors and Awards:

3/2013              2nd Place Siena College Undergraduate Integration


2012-2013        Honorable Mention in USA Mathematical Talent Search

2013                 Perfect Score USA Mathematical Talent Search

                         (USAMTS) Round Year 24 Round 1

2012                 Published solutions and proposed problems: Crux

                         Mathematical Mayhem Journal for and by

                         High School and University Students

2011-2012        Ranked at the top 20% of the participants - Math Prize for

                         Girls Competition

6/2011              Top in Country Award from International Mathematics

                         and Verbal Talent Search - Johns Hopkins University,

                         Center of Talented Youth for Excellence in Mathematics

6/2011              High Honors Award - Johns Hopkins University, Center

                         of Talented Youth

3/2011              1st place Female Mathematician in New York State -

                         MATHCOUNTS Competition

3/2011              Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute College Scholarship -

                         MATHCOUNTS Competition 

1/2011              2nd place - MATHCOUNTS Chapter Competition,

                         Niskayuna, New York

2010                 Ranked at the top 5% of the participants in 9th grade

                         and below - Math Prize for Girls Competition

2010-2011        Certificate of distinction for Superior Performance on the

                         AMC Competitions

2009-2011        Young Student Honors in AMC 10 and AMC 12


2009-present    American Invitational Math Examination (AIME) qualifier



2011-present    Math Meets - Regional Upstate New York Math Contest

2011-present    National Level Mandelbrot Competition

2011-present    Math Prize for Girls Competition

2010-present    American Invitational Math Examination (AIME)

2010-present    Princeton University Math Competition (PUMaC)

2010-present    Harvard MIT Math Tournament (HMMT)

2010-present    American Regions Mathematics League (ARML) Upstate

                         New York - All Star Team

2010-present    USA Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS)

2009-present    New York State Math League (NYSML)

2009-2011        MATHCOUNTS Competition

2008-present    American Math Competition (AMC) 8, 10, 12



Mountain Biking Racing Honors and Awards:

2011-present     2-time 1st place in the New England Regional Series,

                          Root 66 Mountain Bike Series for Cat 3 Women 12-18

2011-present     3-time NYSBRA Young Biking Scholarship recipient

2009-present     5-time New York State Mountain Biking Champion and

                          1st Place in the New York State Mountain Bike Series for

                          Cat 3 Women 12-18

2009-present     Sponsored Cyclist - Overlook Mountain Bikes,

                          Woodstock, NY












Russian Honors and Awards:

6/2014               Joseph and Elaine Quinn Junior Award in Russian Language

4/2014               Best Speaker in New York State Olympiada of Spoken


2012-present     3-Time Gold Medal in ACTR National Russian Essay

                          Contest - A national Russian essay contest

2011-present     4-Time 1st Place and Gold Medal -  2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

                          ACTR New York State Olympiada of Spoken Russian



3/2014               Association of Computing Machinery - Women Travel

                          Award Grant to the 2014 SIG Computer Science

                          Education Conference

3/2014               Student Research Competition Travel Award Grant to

                          the 2014 SIG Computer Science Education Conference

1/2014               National Center for Women & Information Technology

                          AspireIT Middle School $2,000 Grant: teaching

                          underrepresented girls computer science

2011-present     NYSBRA Young Biking Scholarship

6/2011               Free Summer Course Scholarship at the University

                          of Albany, New York - Johns Hopkins University, Center for

                          Talent Youth

2011-present     Puzzle Hunt Prizes donated by Wolfram Alpha,

                          Mathematical Association of America (MAA), and National

                          Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT)


Summer Internships and Programs:

Summer 2014    Stanford Computer Science Research Internship,

                           Stanford University, CA

Summer 2013    Siena Summer Scholars Program, Siena College, NY

Summer 2013    Williams College Math Camp, Williams College, MA

Summer 2012    Awesome Math Summer Program, Cornell University, NY

Summer 2011    Idea Math Summer Program, San Jose, CA


Membership, Organizations, and Clubs:

2014-present     Girls Inc. Member

2013- present    Association for Computing Machinery Student Member

2013-present     Siena College - Women in Computing Club

2012-present     Association of New York State Youth Courts Inc.

2011-present     Russian Olympiad Club 

2011-2012         Peer Tutoring Club

2009-present     USA Cycling

2008-present     Albany Area Math Circle


2012-present     Davidson Young Scholars - Davidson Institute for Talent


2010-present     USA Mathematical Talent Search

2009-present     CTY John Hopkins University - Center for Talented Youth

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